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No public compensation after leaving office

No public compensation after leaving office

No elected or appointed government official, shall receive any monies, compensation/including the value of all perks and bonuses, severance pay, retirement benefits, insurance, for themselves, or for their family members, at the expense of the public, after they leave their post/position.

This does not include their eligible other government retirement pay, benefits, etc…for which they earned as a regular government employee, if, they were previously or after, a regular government employee. Nor shall any elected official(s) ever vote to give themselves/or any other elected official(s) appointee(s) perks, benefits, of any sort, in any capacity, after they leave office.

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After politicians leave office, at the taxpayer expense:

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1 Comment

  • Orville Gnert
    Orville Gnert
    September 16, 2019 at 10:31 PM

    I’d be willing to grant an exception to this for POTUS, though honestly when’s the last time we had a President who wasn’t already personally wealthy to the point where becoming President is a pay cut? Most higher officials probably don’t even need the salary, so reasonably they wouldn’t need the extra retirement income either.

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