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Clean up foreign aid

Clean up foreign aid

(Foreign Politicians stealing/Laundering our Charitable gift money, no longer)

All aid/assistance, of any sort, to any foreign country/ shall be in the form/way of, products and services/not monies, to any and all countries that are “unprincipled and callous” countries, as defined herein. Our government may provide medical aid, building supplies, man power, materials for rehabilitation and rebuilding, and all of these products, services, and other help/gifts/donations must only be, given, to privatized companies that are scrutinized, managed and overseen by U.S oversight committees, as to not let those other country(s)of the country(s) being helped, or have access to, or decision making abilities, on/from our help and generosity, to prevent foreign political embezzlement and theft, by these defined unprincipled and callous country(s). Any and all countries shall be defined as “unprincipled and callous” if they are country(s) that have not for at least the last 20 years, allowed “clear and concise” equal rights and protections, as described herein, for – women, gays, and persons of every color and or religion – and that these defined persons of all these categories shall had and have, the equal rights as others in that country, and, the equal rights are to be without penalty(s). In order to not be a unprincipled and callous country – all persons shall have the legal right to equally as others, and without penalty, – to all of the following (not some/but must have all of the following): To be able to legally and personally own and buy land, to have the freedom to convert to another religion, to have equal voting rights, equal rules to drive vehicles, equal rights to go to schools of equivalence, equal rights of free speech to publicly criticize any and all government officials dead or alive, and or criticize freely religious figures dead or alive, practice any and all religions, and allow people to dress freely/wear what they want to in public (without exposing the nipple/anus/or groin area), to have a free press, and the freedom to assemble. Any country that does not allow any or all of the freedoms shall be deemed as unprincipled and callous. In the event a country reverts from these freedoms, they will automatically be put back into the status of “unprincipled and callous”, and will not be eligible for monies until they remedied, for 20 years. For countries that are not unprincipled and callous, in the event that we give these countries monies, it shall be done in the form of direct pay to only businesses and volunteer organizations/not their government, there must also be written signed affidavits by directors of the organization(s), as to what the monies were “precisely” spent on, to the penny, for each item/service, with whom, hours worked, locations, and also signed affidavits by the on area supervisors, – affidavits must also be signed by their overseeing, and active current politicians of that country under penalty of perjury, as to their full oversight of all expenditures, these countries must have full extradition rights for us to arrest people for embezzlement and or theft in regards to this legislation. We will only lay out monies in increments of up to 10% each month, for/during over a 12 month calendar year interval. In the event that any and all members of any oversight committee/and or agency that approves the next release of monies, authorizes the suggested approval, and or the approval, for the next monies to be released, without us having and reviewing, and verifying the veracity, of all expenditures and all accountable full affidavits of support and verification of how these monies were spent, as described herein, and the next monies are released, every single legislator shall be personally liable to the tax payers who choose to personally sue them in their jurisdiction/these cases can be brought in municipal, county, state, and or federal court. In the event that a court finds that these procedures were not properly followed, this person(s) shall be terminated and never be allowed to work in government again, unless they are, and have proof (video and audio), that they are a whistleblower, and that they were threatened/told to lie by way of threat. Any such person in power who threatens or intimidates a person to lie for us to give monies to another country/shall be treasonous, and can be brought in state or Federal court/and shall be punishable by no less than serving 20 years in jail. The offender(s) qualified immunity (if such person was/is a government employee/elected official/appointee) is stripped, without exception, for violating this legislation. The offender shall have any and all assets frozen, all fines/fees/legal fees, other costs, shall be paid by the offender. The offender(s) qualified immunity (if such person was/is a government employee/elected official/appointee) is stripped, without exception, for violating this legislation. The offender shall have any and all assets frozen, all fines/fees/legal fees, other costs, shall be paid by the offender. The offender will either be payroll deducted/garnished if still employed/and all assets shall be frozen until the whistleblowers monies are paid in full/if applicable, also, these fines and fees against the offender is not eligible to be discharged in bankruptcy, or any other manner, there is no statute of limitations, there are no bank accounts, monies, property, retirement accounts, trust funds, or other property or accounts that can be protected, as all these accounts are subject to be frozen/seized/sold if necessary, until such time as all fines, fees, costs, legal and other, are fully satisfied. The government/tax payers shall not pay for the legal defense of the person alleged to have violated this legislation. Any attorney working for or representing the government shall not be permitted to represent the person(s)(government employee/elected official/appointee) accused of violating this legislation.  This action can be brought in local, State, and or Federal court, of the relevant region, for enforceable court action. A small claims court, shall now have an exception for these whistleblower type cases as included/defined herein, to expand the limit to $200,000, including all costs/fees/ legal fees/interest/penalties/ damages/etc…whereby a whistleblower could have their matter heard. All small claim whistleblower matters shall be heard, in 4 months or less for the trial. Whistleblowers receive their 50% of the monies/as it comes in/half is continually diverted to the whistleblower. Whistleblowers receive their 50% of the monies/as it comes in/half is continually diverted to the whistleblower. The government may reimburse solely the government employee’s legal fees/legal fees only/nothing else of any sort, so long as the government employee prevailed by judicial verdict as described herein. The Plaintiff in this same scenario/if the judicial verdict is in favor of the government employee/the plaintiff would face all the same collectability risk(these monies/debts/ shall not be dischargeable in bankruptcy, all bank accounts and pensions are subject to being seized and or garnished, etc…). The onus for the defendant to prevail, to be awarded monies, is a burden of proof upon the government employee, therefore a verdict/decision, signed by a judge, declaring that the defendant/government employee was absolutely free of all liability/wrong doing, is required for the defendant to be eligible to be awarded and collect monies. Any form of settlement, does not meet this threshold for any award of monies on either side beyond the terms and conditions agreed upon in the executed settlement agreement.

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Our politicians continually give a huge amount of tax dollars to other countries, whose corrupt leaders line their own pockets with most of the "aid." Should we change this?

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