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Whistleblower protection

Whistleblower protection

Whistleblower – Rewards for exposing government employee theft, employee fraud upon the tax payers/sleeping at work or at home when not allowed/government employees who refuse to identify themselves when asked by a citizen, etc… also by exposing any scamming welfare recipients/any scamming disability recipients, and catching illegally parked persons in handicap spaces. Any person who is caught, as an employee not working while on the clock (at strip bars, drinking alcohol), welfare recipients that have illegally reported too many dependents, faking an injury, etc…

Any person who is caught, working as a government employee, or receiving monies from the government in any form of financial assistance, and or business that is receiving monies by way of a contract from the government, and for this legislation, this will also include people that park wrongfully in handicap parking spaces, are subject to this legislation. Any entity that is wrongfully receiving monies as described herein, that is unfairly getting tax dollars shall be liable – to the government and the shall be entitled to 50% of what the government collects subject to this legislation – and the whistleblower. The 1st whistleblower is the eligible party to receive compensation/whistleblower money, which these monies are transferable/assignable/will-able, upon sickness and or death/other, if there are no heirs/and the whistleblower is missing, then the next whistleblower in line of reporting/date time of the initially reported offenses shall be eligible for whistleblower monies as described herein. The whistleblower action/as described herein shall be compensated and the offender(s) shall be personally liable/all qualified immunity is stripped for whistleblower actions. Upon such determination of any liability, the offender will pay, and will be payroll deducted/garnished if still employed/and all assets shall be frozen until the government has received all monies and paid in full monies due to the whistleblower, these fines and fees against the offender is not eligible to be discharged in bankruptcy, or any other manner, there is no statute of limitations, there are no bank accounts, monies, property, retirement accounts, trust funds, or other that can be protected, as all these accounts are subject to be frozen/seized/sold if necessary, until such time as all fines, fees, costs, legal and other, are fully satisfied.

Whistleblowers can be any persons, active government employees, military personnel, any simple citizen individuals. The offenders shall reimburse all judicially decided/calculated lost monies to tax payers and this amount shall be ‘tripledâ€, (in some cases ten-fold if other outside legislation(s) permit), and at 10% interest added from the date of the offense, plus all legal costs to tax payers, all legal costs to whistleblower, and the whistleblower shall be entitled to collect 50% of all monies that was judicially decided/calculated as lost monies to tax payers/fines/costs/ legal fees.

The whistleblower must have video and or audio evidence. Witness evidence is added support, but witness evidence alone is not sufficiently eligible to meet the provable threshold of this legislation. This action can be brought in local, State, and or Federal court, of the relevant region, for enforceable court action. A small claims court, has an exception for these whistleblower cases defined herein, to expand the limit to $200,000, including all costs/fees/ legal fees/interest/triple damages/etc…whereby a whistleblower could have their matter heard. All small claim whistleblower matters shall be heard, in 4 months or less for the trial. If the matter involves a government employee/than if any relevant legislation omits/fails to mention attorney fees at all, then the government may loan up to 50% of the legal costs/paying for the legal defense of the alleged offender, so long as the offender must have 50% of these monies for legal fees/costs in escrow with the court/or the government is not allowed to front/pay for their legal counsel initially. This 50% of legal fees being fronted by the government are not applicable in legislation that specifies that the government shall not pay for attorney fees of the government employee, if such similar language is mentioned/then the government shall not loan or advance or pay for legal fees for the alleged offender, as it involves any court cases that involve whistleblowers.

Either party can file an appeal/appellate decisions must be heard and tried, and decided/ruled upon within 60 days, and the appeal trial must be done in 2 days or less. Appeals must be filed within 10 days. All matters of filings, bringing notice, procedures, shall be heavily construed to not make it difficult to either party/in any capacity/all evidence used can be used again, no rules of civil procedure shall be used to restrict whistleblowers evidence, testimony, or other, or the Judge who creates such interference will have their qualified immunity revoked, without question, and will be subject to a $200,000 fine to the whistleblower and another $200,000 fine if there is a separate plaintiff in the original whistleblower case. The judge if found to be a new offender – the judge’s qualified immunity is stripped, without exception, for violating this legislation. The offender shall have any and all assets frozen, all fines/fees/legal fees, other costs, shall be paid by the offender. The offender will either be payroll deducted/garnished if still employed/and all assets shall be frozen until the whistleblowers monies are paid in full/if applicable, also, these fines and fees against the offender is not eligible to be discharged in bankruptcy, or any other manner, there is no statute of limitations, there are no bank accounts, monies, property, retirement accounts, trust funds, or other property or accounts that can be protected, as all these accounts are subject to be frozen/seized/sold if necessary, until such time as all fines, fees, costs, legal and other, are fully satisfied. The government/tax payers shall not pay for the legal defense of the person alleged to have violated this legislation. Any attorney working for or representing the government shall not be permitted to represent the person(s)(government employee/elected official/appointee) accused of violating this legislation.  This action can be brought in local, State, and or Federal court, of the relevant region, for enforceable court action. A small claims court, shall now have an exception for these whistleblower type cases as included/defined herein, to expand the limit to $200,000, including all costs/fees/ legal fees/interest/penalties/ damages/etc…whereby a whistleblower could have their matter heard. All small claim whistleblower matters shall be heard, in 4 months or less for the trial. Whistleblowers receive their 50% of the monies/as it comes in/half is continually diverted to the whistleblower.) the whistleblower(s) shall cumulatively receive 50% of the monies that are collected/at the time these monies are collected, as stated herein. A whistleblower either must have witnessed the violation of legislation, and or have sole rights to the video and or audio footage captured, be the first to put the offending party on formal notice/subject to the warnings/notice or such that is required by that particular legislation, or, and, the other part is the whistleblower must be 1st to file the lawsuit against the violator. There can be a split between 3 whistleblowers, if 1 whistleblower has sole legal rights to the video-audio/if another whistleblower put the violator on notice first, and the other whistleblower initiated the commencement filing of the lawsuit.

The disbursement of monies upon a successful verdict for the Plaintiff and whistleblower (if there are no attorney fees) shall be as follows, for every $100 that is collected the whistleblower shall cumulatively receive 50%/of the $100 = $50 –and the remaining monies go to the court. If there is a separate plaintiff along with a whistleblower, than the whistleblower shall receive $50 (50%) and the plaintiff receives $50 (50%) of each $100 collected. In the event that there are attorney fees, then for every $100 collected, the attorneys shall receive $34 (34%), and the whistleblower shall receive $33, (33%) and the plaintiff (if applicable shall receive -33% -which = $33) – as the monies come in 9the whistleblower is still entitled to receive 50% of all awarded and collected monies/not including legal fees. In the event that the only 2 parties eligible to receive monies are the whistleblower and attorney, and or the plaintiff and the attorney – then the attorney shall receive (34%) = $34 out of every $100 collected and either the sole other party plaintiff or whistleblower shall receive the other (66%) = $66 out of each $100 collected. If more than 1 whistleblower is judicially eligible and awarded to collect monies in a judicial case (then the whistleblower monies shall be evenly divided/separately paid by the court/by the plaintiff). The same breakdown of disbursements will apply to all settlements that involve a whistleblower award. Whistleblowers eligibility is voided if there has been no commencement of a filed lawsuit subject to that alleged violation of the legislation within 5 years of the whistleblower being aware of the alleged violation. If the (whistleblower and or plaintiff loses – the whistleblower is only at risk if they were the sole plaintiff/if the whistleblower was not the sole plaintiff/the solely direct injured party/then the whistleblower has qualified immunity protection from all costs, fees, of any sort, in any capacity), the defendant and or government employee (herein defendant) fully prevails by judicial verdict/is victorious/found not to be liable in any capacity, by a judge’s order and verdict/jury verdict, then the defendant is entitled to be awarded all of their legal fees, costs, and all eligible awards and monies that they were facing/at risk to pay/in this legislation/and, the judge shall be eligible to award these monies to the defendant/and, fine these costs upon the Plaintiff. (government employee only)  The government may reimburse solely the government employee’s legal fees/legal fees only/nothing else of any sort, so long as the government employee prevailed by judicial verdict as described herein. The Plaintiff in this same scenario/if the judicial verdict is in favor of the government employee/the plaintiff would face all the same collectability risk(these monies/debts/ shall not be dischargeable in bankruptcy, all bank accounts and pensions are subject to being seized and or garnished, etc…). The onus for the defendant to prevail, to be awarded monies, is a burden of proof upon the government employee, therefore a verdict/decision, signed by a judge, declaring that the defendant/government employee was absolutely free of all liability/wrong doing, is required for the defendant to be eligible to be awarded and collect monies. Any form of settlement, does not meet this threshold for any award of monies on either side beyond the terms and conditions agreed upon in the executed settlement agreement. Judges/not personally involved in a case, and court clerks, have the right to redact any private sensitive information, that the law allows to be redacted, except if made in a settlement agreement that was independent of the lawsuit, but contains information about 1 of the parties involved/that shall be to the judge’s discretion, from being released to any party making a public records request on a whistleblower action.

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