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Path for felon voting rights restoration

Path for felon voting rights restoration

Voting rights for felons shall be restored, so long as all parole and or probation requirements have been fully satisfied, including all financial restitution has been made (both criminally and civilly –and, if pending civil litigation is ongoing/which stemmed from, or is related to, a criminal conviction than, the voting restriction will continue until completion of that case/and the total fulfillment of any financial verdict is fully satisfied, if applicable), and all probation and parole is complete.

These felons must re-register to vote on their own, and be responsible to supply any and all needed documentation/proof of clearance/proof of eligibility/that an election office deems necessary and would require.

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A convicted felon, who is out of jail, completed their parole/probation/, paid all financial restitution from both the criminal and civil aspects, this person:

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