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Government employee accountability

Every government employee shall fully identify themselves, their legal first name, their legal last name, and which agency they work for, and their department if applicable, when asked by a citizen, upon avoidance or refusal for a government employee to clearly and concisely provide their name when asked, as further defined herein, shall have their qualified immunity revoked and have personal liabilities to the citizen/person who has been inquiring.

Any government employee who is asked their name and what department agency that they work for, while on duty, is required to clearly and concisely, provide this information, as stated herein, and are inclusive of the same requirements of a secondary government employee who is asked the name and or agency of another government employee, as stated herein.

Additionally, any government employee(s) who knows a person’s name, and who has in fact been described clearly to that other /2nd government employee for an identification request, by a citizen, and the citizen asks who that person is, the 2nd government employee shall be required to identify the other government employee to the citizen/person that is inquiring. If that 2nd government employee knows who that original government employee is/by way of the standard that there were proven several interactions, and or small meetings inclusive of both/all government parties, or several conversations by both/all of the government parties/ reasonably believed that the 2nd government employee(s) knows/knew who that other government employee/person is, and avoids or refuses to immediately inform the citizen/person, as to the identity of government person(s), they shall also be personally liable to the person/citizen, as stated herein.

The government employee if they evidently self-chose to walk away/intentionally, and is “clearly and concisely” reasonably believed that the government employee who walked away to have very reasonably heard this identity request, and does so without intentionally answering, does so at their own civil jeopardy and civil peril. If a person/citizen asks a government employee to spell their name, the government employee is required to at a normal speed/or slower, with reasonable loud volume of clarity, spell their name out loud so as a citizen/person can reasonably hear the spelling. It is not a legal defense for a government employee to have spoken to fast, to quiet, to garbled, slurred, or other, whereby a reasonable person could not have heard/comprehended/mentally gathered the information.

The citizen person must have verbally asked a minimum of 3 times for the government employees identity information directly and or to another government employee/secondary/to provide a government employee’s name whether it be, their first name/their last name/just their name/their agency/and department if applicable, whether in part or in whole, and the government employee is required to properly give their name and agency answer to a citizen. The government employee must give the first and last name, and the agency that the citizen is inquiring about. Any obstruction as stated herein, can be pursued not just civilly in small claims courts/but in any state or Federal court of that jurisdiction. The offender(s) qualified immunity (if such person was/is a government employee/elected official/appointee) is stripped, without exception, for violating this legislation. The offender shall have any and all assets frozen, all fines/fees/legal fees, other costs, shall be paid by the offender. The offender will either be payroll deducted/garnished if still employed/and all assets shall be frozen until the whistleblowers monies are paid in full/if applicable, also, these fines and fees against the offender is not eligible to be discharged in bankruptcy, or any other manner, there is no statute of limitations, there are no bank accounts, monies, property, retirement accounts, trust funds, or other property or accounts that can be protected, as all these accounts are subject to be frozen/seized/sold if necessary, until such time as all fines, fees, costs, legal and other, are fully satisfied. The government/tax payers shall not pay for the legal defense of the person alleged to have violated this legislation. Any attorney working for or representing the government shall not be permitted to represent the person(s)(government employee/elected official/appointee) accused of violating this legislation.  This action can be brought in local, State, and or Federal court, of the relevant region, for enforceable court action. A small claims court, shall now have an exception for these whistleblower type cases as included/defined herein, to expand the limit to $200,000, including all costs/fees/ legal fees/interest/penalties/ damages/etc…whereby a whistleblower could have their matter heard. All small claim whistleblower matters shall be heard, in 4 months or less for the trial. Whistleblowers receive their 50% of the monies/as it comes in/half is continually diverted to the whistleblower. Either side can appeal, appeals must be heard and decided within 60 days. Appeal requests must be filed within 10 days.

Undercover, non-uniformed, law enforcement, must be in an active undercover “full time” of their work, is currently undercover, previous and or future undercover work alone is not applicable for exemption, only these full time current undercover roles, whereby these undercover roles have been previously filed in the department/date and time stamped/with a sworn affidavit by the undercover’s superior attesting to the undercover work – which will be semi/confidentially publicly accessible in the event of a lawsuit which needs to establish the veracity or false veracity of supposed undercover work/assignment. These documents must be included in that file, and these such current undercover officers are exempt.

The fines for failure to disclose a government employees name, as stated herein, is all costs, legal fees, of all parties, and $400 for the 1st offense, the same for the 2nd offense, the same for the 3rd offense plus an immediate 60 day unpaid suspension from work, than for the 4th time and beyond the immediate suspension time without pay remains at 60 days but the fines doubles, (fine) consecutively, every time thereafter. If a government employee is found by a court to have failed to properly identify themselves, subject to this legislation, on 10 occasions within a 10 year period, that government employee shall immediately be suspended without pay for 2 years.

The claimant/plaintiff must have video and or audio evidence. Witness evidence is added support, but witness evidence alone is not sufficiently eligible to meet the provable threshold of this legislation.. If the whistleblower was not the sole plaintiff/the solely direct injured party/then the whistleblower has qualified immunity protection from all costs, fees, of any sort, in any capacity), the defendant and or government employee (herein defendant) fully prevails by judicial verdict/is victorious/found not to be liable in any capacity, by a judge’s order and verdict/jury verdict, then the defendant is entitled to be awarded all of their legal fees, costs, and all eligible awards and monies that they were facing/at risk to pay/in this legislation/and, the judge shall be eligible to award these monies to the defendant/and, fine these costs upon the Plaintiff. (government employee only)  The government may reimburse solely the government employee’s legal fees/legal fees only/nothing else of any sort, so long as the government employee prevailed by judicial verdict as described herein. The Plaintiff in this same scenario/if the judicial verdict is in favor of the government employee/the plaintiff would face all the same collectability risk(these monies/debts/ shall not be dischargeable in bankruptcy, all bank accounts and pensions are subject to being seized and or garnished, etc…). The onus for the defendant to prevail, to be awarded monies, is a burden of proof upon the government employee, therefore a verdict/decision, signed by a judge, declaring that the defendant/government employee was absolutely free of all liability/wrong doing, is required for the defendant to be eligible to be awarded and collect monies. Any form of settlement, does not meet this threshold for any award of monies on either side beyond the terms and conditions agreed upon in the executed settlement agreement.

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When a government employee refuses to give you their name, making it virtually impossible to file a complaint on that person, the penalty for the government employee should be:

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