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Euthanasia eligibility

Euthanasia eligibility

Euthanasia shall now be a legal option for the terminally ill whereby medically diagnosed with imminent death which is certainly less than 2 years away, and or those medically diagnosed with absolute brutal on going suffering pain (all referred to as “Euthanasia Eligible”), and the patient must give clear and concise consent, and must be psychologically, medically, diagnosed, as being of sound rational mind.

The euthanasia candidate must have written/signed approval from 3 different currently licensed medical doctors that this person is Euthanasia Eligible. The euthanasia candidate must have written/signed approval from 3 different currently licensed psychiatrists, that this person is of sound rational mind. The Euthanasia Eligible candidate, must submit a 3 minute to 5 minute video to a Judge of their request with only the candidate speaking in the video to the best of their ability, included with all written approvals of eligibility of euthanasia signed by all involved doctors – and the court must receive affirmation verification of the documents from the doctors before signing the order. Once the order is signed, Euthanasia is allowed. If the eligible candidate has 3 separate licensed active lawyers, submit an affidavit to the court under penalty of perjury that they verified the doctors approval of the euthanasia candidate, then the court would only need to watch the video to approve the order.

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Should euthanasia be legal if a patient is sick, and deathly terminal, and if 2 physicians, and also 2 psychiatrists sign off on it?

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